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Get Involved

Become a Member

We welcome you to become a member of the MTAA!


MTAA members will receive a membership directory and access to the members' section - and may also attend MTAA sponsored conferences and events at discounted rates. The MTAA receives frequent requests from individuals and organizations seeking music therapists. Members who are Certified Music Therapists (MTAs) will receive job referral information for their region and may list their contact information in our public music therapist directory. 


For more information about membership categories and to determine which membership best suits your needs, click here

To become a member:

Begin by submitting the form below. Be sure you click on the link in the last section of the form for "Plans and Payments". Please note - the Membership Category selected on the form will indicate which payment plan applies to you.

​- If you are renewing, please ensure that you are signed in to your account prior to making your payment. 

- If you are a new member, you may create a new account once you receive confirmation that your payment is verified.

If you have any questions or concerns about the membership process, please contact us at 

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